Michael Paulweber

Michael Paulweber has been working at AVL List GmbH in Austria and USA in the automotive industry for the last 42 years. Currently he works in AVL as executive adviser in the FEDERATE management team. FEDERATE is the coordination and support action for the European “Software defined vehicle of the future” (SDVoF) initiative. The SDVoF initiative is cooperating closely with important global SDV initiatives to work on an open-source ecosystem for SDVs of the future.

Michael Paulweber received a master degree and a doctorate in control theory from University of Technology in Graz; 2008, he added an Executive MBA degree at the St.Marys College of California, USA.

After working at University of Technology in Graz, Austria, he joined AVL List GmbH in 1982. 5 years later he became head of development for the test system automation and control product-line. These products gained global market leadership in the automotive domain. During his work, he acquired expert knowledge in automotive testing and embedded software platforms and corresponding development methodologies and toolchains.

2012 he was appointed director of global research and technology management in the AVL instrumentation and test system division. Mid of 2022, he changed into a position as senior adviser continuing the work for AVL in the field of Software defined Vehicle and the European Chips Joint Undertaking.

Michael Paulweber serves as vice president of the European Industry association INSIDE, vice chairman of Electronics and Software Based Systems (ESBS) Austria industry association and he is a member of the European Chips-JU steering board as well as of the Sherpa governance board for the SDVof initiative.

He holds lectures at University of Applied Science as well as at University of Technology in Graz.